Sunday, February 17, 2019

Post #2

A time I used the competitive strategy is obviously when playing sports. I played lacrosse for most of my life and have always been very competitive. In fact, in high school I lost a friendship over competitiveness when it came to lacrosse. We both were best friends and played on the same high school and club team. During this time we were both trying to get recognized by colleges to be recruited. It became a huge competition and would get very heated at some points. It lead us to separate and not be close anymore which is something I really regret. Another time my competitive side comes out is when my boyfriend and I are in activity competitions with our apple watches. We both get super competitive and try to beat each other. I have also used the collaborative strategy with my roommates from school plenty of times when it comes to cleaning and taking out the trash. No one wants to take the trash out especially my roommates! I was getting tired of taking it out all the time and arguing with them about it. So, we collaborated and decided to make a trash chart and keep track of who takes it out and take turns while doing it. It was a win win situation. I felt as if I was always taking it out and they felt that they were always taking it out. By using this chart we were able to document it so it was fair.

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